Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lone ranger

And so it begins...

One of the reasons I moved into this role aside from the many obvious ones was because I was not ready to give up travelling. I have been blessed enough to have travelled relatively a great deal because of my work. In my 6 years of stint with this company, I've been sent to Texas, Florida, China, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea, (Australia if I didn't change roles). Those travels have opened opportunities and doors of all sorts for me that I really find them enjoyable in their own ways. Don't be mistaken that they are stress and problem free but it is better to just look on the bright side of things. I get to meet and interact with people, cultures, traditions and environments without breaking my bank.

I'm just in my fourth month in my new role and already I've been to Malaysia twice, Singapore, Brunei, South Korea and now in Shanghai. For the first time however, I am alone and such will be the usual case in my next travels. The solo adventures begins and I intend to enjoy and maximize it the best way I can. Although I don't have much time to explore getting to meet people has so far been really interesting and enjoyable for me. Making friends and connections in this great big multinational company is fun. I have already two travels scheduled for the next two months and the title, Travel Engineer only seems too apt. Nonetheless, I can't really complain. Ask me again after maybe a year but right now, I like my job.

Life has been good. I am definitely blessed and spoiled by Him that all I can think of the trials that I go through is because He has better things planned and in store for me. It might eventually become monotonous and the travelling might be too much or tiring, so I don't know how it'll be after a year. Also, I don't know how I will have a family of my own but I hope and pray that is included in His plan for me. In the meantime, I go where He wants me to go. Thank You!

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