Thursday, August 25, 2016

Silver linings

There's always something in life that tests you, the limits of your patience, your strength, faith, character. Even in the midst of support, you yearn for the more familiar, your family, your beloved, your loved ones and closest friends. Even though grateful, sometimes you still feel more alone than ever and it drags you down. And during those moments, you blame yourself, for stepping out of your comfort zone, for biting more than what you can chew, for leaving and you just wish you could just go back. 

Nonetheless, amidst all the hardships, struggles, suffering, pain, fear, weakness, buckets of tears, at the end of the day you are blessed. You have friends to make you laugh, family to support you, a soulmate that sticks with you and loves you no matter how much of a monster you turn into sometimes. And you look up to Him and hope, and pray. You keep on living, always watching out for that silver lining.