Sunday, January 04, 2015


They say it is better to give than to receive. Indeed, there is a sense of satisfaction and happiness when you get to share with family, friends and strangers through giving whether material or immaterial (like time) things. Beyond that, I was reminded that the joy in giving also lies on seeing your gift well appreciated. It is in spending time to look for a gift, hoping that the recipient will like them and then seeing the happiness and excitement afterwards by the recipient. Giving gifts is not just the monetary value but in the time, effort and thought that was put into it and having those well-received. I've forgotten this unfortunately because I've ended up having to buy generic gifts for friends and cash for family for the most part in the past years. It was to avoid the stress and to make it easier rather than "wasting" something on what they eventually don't need/like. I guess as we grow old, we tend to get picky or complicate things. Thanks to a friend's daughter who was so happy and contented with a simple gift of bubbles, I was reminded of this thought and feeling. Maybe that's why they say Christmas is also for kids. Give a kid anything wrapped in a package and it will paint a smile on their faces regardless of what's inside.

"Open Possibilities" - Jan. 3, 2015. PET bottles recycled and installed as dandelions. #CY365