Sunday, May 25, 2014


So, I've been trying to put on more make up (at least learning to) lately. Many people say that natural is still better but there's still some magic on how these chemicals can transform one's face from say haggard, sleepless and stressed to something more presentable. It's actually not that easy so I'm going with the simple ones. Given that, I'm probably even a late bloomer when it comes to these things (or maybe I'm just not that into these things).

I've never really bothered about these things especially on a daily basis other than the pressed powder, lip gloss until I went on assignment in vanity land. I can still remember several times when I couldn't care less to apply anything on my face even though I've worked hard the day/night before and I had some breakout as well. My male superiors or even clients would openly comment on how stressed I look and even one went as far as getting me some sort of ointment to help the breakout. Then I realized that no matter how bad I felt, I had to mask that in my face with the help of make up. It's very superficial and trivial but on the other hand it taught me to try to keep appearances especially when you're trying to "sell yourself". Before, I used to run out of the house, apartment without drying my hair, putting anything on. Slowly, I ended up with just damp (not dripping wet) hair and a minimum of BB cream on my face.

Ah, the wonders of BB cream! Before BB, there was pressed powder, then the liquid foundation. After trying out BB though, it has worked wonders for me that I couldn't go out without at least putting this one on my face. Whenever I'd get compliments, I somehow feel that BB does the trick for me. When I was younger, I used to envy a lot of girls with seemingly East Asian descent for their seemingly poreless faces. Now, BB helps me achieve that. So far, I've tried only three:
1. Face Shop's Power Perfection
2. Natural Republic's Snail Therapy
3. Missha's Signature Real Complete BB
For some reason, I think I get more compliments when I'm wearing 2 and 3 more than 1.

Compliments and admiration are flattering but I wonder is that it? Will there be anyone that has the courage to go beyond that? Will someone make even a move. I'm grateful for the attention, it certainly helps me feel a little secure knowing I can still turn heads. But if that's all there is to it, it's a little sad. Hopefully, one day, someone will take a chance and give it a try. As a tweet puts it, I just want to love and be loved.

I've been known to be dressy or at least seem to put an effort on dressing up ever since. That Korean stint did give my courage a boost in terms of dressing up how I want to without minding what other people think (whether it's overdressed or not). At least, I still try not to be over the top and keep the balance. On bad days, or when I'm feeling insecure I tend to put on more effort to look more presentable overall. Sometimes, when you feel shitty inside, you've got to find a way for that not to manifest itself and pull yourself together in front of everyone else. For me, that means dressing up and putting on make up. So it was a little offensive when a superior tells you in public when he notices you're wearing red lipstick that "kumekerengkeng ka na naman." Yes, I have my vain moments but I wonder was I being that loose and desperate looking in my attempts to look presentable. I sort of wonder if I weren't single or if I were more plain looking, would my actions have meritted the same remark? 

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