Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring is here. Day 41

While I have yet to see spring in all its colors, the temperature has finally gone up and hints of blooms and colors are peeking everywhere. I am so excited to see those cherry blossoms and take pictures. I hope I can get around maybe at least in the Namsan area: (i do hope I have time during weekends as it has been pretty busy so far trying to catch up on pending work on weekends not to mention chores and series galore haha.)
After about a month, I managed to cross the street from my apartment headed in the opposite direction from AK Plaza along the Taechan river (I hope I remember the name right) and it surprised me that the trees there might just actually be cherry blossoms. I may not have to go far after all just to see them. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

this one was right on the sidewalk of my apartment building!

please let them be cherry blossoms

i hope to jog or even bike here one of these days

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