Monday, March 17, 2014

Social media snowball effect

This brewing drama/tension between two people I follow is a developing story. The problem with the digital age is that sometimes we no longer filter our thoughts and leave it out there stored in cyberspace. 
How many times have you seen someone publicly humiliate another because of their offense. As if filing a complaint wasn't enough they just had to expose all possible details of that person.  Everyone are sometimes just too damn self-righteous and opinionated. Bullying is an easy trap for many. Playing the victim card is just as easy. 
Unlike before when you utter hateful or hurtful words it will only be hearsay for some. If they judge you because of it, you don't have to care. It's a big world. Nowadays, the world is smaller in the sense that everyone can and will know. Everyone will feel a certain entitlement to judge or defend. I honestly, don't like how some people misuse and abuse the freedom to do so.
I am wondering how this tension will end up. I don't think it's worth it. There's two sides of the coin really and each has their own merits. It probably be due to the social divide and it will depend on the world you revolve in, superficial or otherwise. On the other hand, if you mean what you say shouldn't you stand by it? are you still responsible for the resulting ill-behaviors of others that were affected? 
Shit happens. But we only have one life to live, and if we have only day left, I sure won't be wasting my time watching the lives of these strangers.

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