Monday, April 22, 2013


"There is nothing wrong with anxiety. Although we cannot control God’s time, it is part of the human condition to want to receive the thing we are waiting for as quickly as possible. Or to drive away whatever is causing our fear. . . . Anxiety was born in the very same moment as mankind. And since we will never be able to master it, we will have to learn to live with it—just as we have learned to live with storms." - paulo coelho, manuscript found in accra

I must admit I am starting to get anxious for feedback and details on what I am thinking is another leap of adventure for me... In one way or another it's been affecting my attitude, stress management and in some cases emotions as well. I have to keep reminding myself to stay patient, bear with it, keep focused and continue to positive. The most important of all, is to stay put and comply as usual. It's no excuse to try and escape on some tasks and get irritable when not getting away with it. Unfortunately, I've fallen into this self-trap several times. Patience...

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