Wednesday, May 11, 2011

let's go to the beach: Cagbalate

For some reason, I am not too keen on basking on the sun, playing in the sand and wading in the water this year. It's already mid-May and I don't think I've been to the beach yet or even to a resort with just a pool. Call me pathetic or anti-social fine by me. too skin-white conscious I don't think so. (thank God for rash guards!) flab-conscious maybe yes. Nevertheless, whether or not I get to go this year either's fine by me. This country's got a lot of picturesque, wonderful and breathtaking nooks, crannies and beaches. Maybe in due time I'd get to experience the wonder of the must-sees but so far this is one of those that has taken my breath away.

Cagbalate 2010. An island about an hour away from Mauban, Quezon.
What was supposed to be Cagbalete 2009 became Cagbalete 2010 due to the bad weather we had to content with. Not exactly a virgin beach but it gives you the feel of just the right mix of seclusion, serentiy and simple 'resort life'. There are resorts in the area but camping is an option as well (yes, a shower and toilet's available!). We camped out in Pansacola if I'm not mistaken as they were already fully booked.

Mauban port

this is not how you eat habhab

our "campsite"

sand ripples

long stretch of sand..

redefining low tide...

the water recedes way too far for a swim...

that far from the island and people are still standing.

don't know how to swim? not a problem!

If I can I want to go back here and just laze around... no night life here just "chillax" life...

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