Sunday, January 09, 2011


A rant post.

You would think that once the technology gets older, more stable and at its peak or ripest,the price to pay would become cheaper. Apparently that does not apply everytime. It's hard to come to terms with the fact that profit (as a result of increased demand) would overrule the logic regarding technology and pricing. Some even say that what is currently available to everyone is actually 1 or 2 (maybe more) generations/versions behind what is being developed and explored. Marketing strategy so not much we can do abOut that. But I only wish some entities like Globe don't rip off their loyal subscribers. I don't understand how the rate from 5php for 30 mins mobile internet has become 5 for every 15 mins. Can somebody please explain that to me? Honestly I don't understand other than it being a means to increase revenue and milk subscribers of their money. But seriously even broadband internet has become accessible, faster fOr the same amount or less. Given that our infrastructure and technology a third-world country like ours is way behind, the cost shouldn't be that much for these carriers. Oh well, i can only but rant and say so much. Maybe wish that the game changes but in the end i have no recourse but to follow suit and become enslaved in Globe's green-eyed ways. As the song goes: "it's all about the money". You can only do as much but need trumps pride and complaints.

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