i hope this is just paranoia...
this is just miss worry-wart on the loose...
but the fear and negative emotions are haunting me...
i'm scared...
I pray this will pass...
Lord, please help me...
Today I got stuck in traffic. I came in too late for two meetings. It rained just after I parked the car and I cried a little how my day was turning out. I thought I was having a bad day. Little did I know, it could have been worse...
Thank you...
My sympathy and condolence to those who were affected. May all of us find peace and serenity amidst all this chaos. May this event not become some sort of circus and that the truth should come out, no matter how ugly, grave or negligent it is...
I hope I can make amends for all my shortcomings... This time I hope I'll do things right and do the right things...
For the little girl who knocked but I turned away and instead of hating me for being stingy hang the garland on the side mirror, I offer her prayer and apology. I'm sorry I turned her away, I really am. Lord, please bless her and her family. I hope I meet her again and not turn her away. From now on, I won't turn away every less fortunate person who knocks. Why be indifferent? Why be particular if they're healthy or not? Why postpone what you can do now? Maybe I still won't give to everyone because that's teaching/tolerating people not to use their gifts but I won't be as stubborn on this viewpoint this time... A little sharing, a little love...
I hope I can do it...
Like the garland on the side mirror riding the wind along C5, life sometimes becomes too fast... we barely notice we're fading/falling apart.
Extremely emotional is me...
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