just anything under the sun depending on my mood. I am particularly moody so a lot of them tend to be emo stuff. I am trying to make it more candid though.... so anything goes! :)
Friday, December 28, 2007
Happy 2008!!!!
Thanks for a wonderful 2007! =) Here's to more good/fun times in the coming year!
Cheers! =)
*this is quite short as I'm really, really sleepy...
Monday, December 24, 2007
it's Christmas! =)
May your Christmas be filled with meaning and love. After all the shopping, the traffic, the holiday rush, the "parties/get togethers", the rants, we are lucky and blessed after all. Thanks for being a blessing!
Thank you Lord for the many blessings in this thing called life...
In around three days I got to bond with some college friends (although quite a number were absent), FRSI, HP (at least 2) and HS friends... Today and tom is for the family. I'm really glad and contented at how this season turned out - nothing extravagant or anything but this season is really more on the simple things- the company and the time spent with the people you hold dear that matters... I'm really thankful. I wish everyone feels the same...
Again Merry Christmas! =)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
beating the holiday rush.. (trying to)
So anyway, in the end I came home almost empty-handed... a tiring, expensive and frustrating day.
Tiring: I tried like 5 or so ATM machines to get cash since I'm really much more comfortable staying on the budget or at least it's easier to do that if I have the cash on hand. However, they were all f*ckin offline! Pardon for the word but really, my legs hurt right now because aside from being stuck in traffic, i had to walk around like a whole block a couple of times which should have been just spent on wandering/loitering/window shopping!
Expensive: The gas that was probably consumed would amount to more or less than 400 considering the traffic plus the fact that I decided to go to Makati because I thought BPI was more accessible there... Yes, I was stubborn and hopeful but penniless and clueless at the same time. Add the parking fee(s), that's probably 500 down the drain... :(
Frustrating: I was not even able to accomplish any of my supposed errands!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no clue when I'll be able to do all of them... For all I know, I need/want to get contacts ASAP! and I need a credit card...
yes, Boo me I still don't have a credit card! Parentals have been pushing me to get one since a year or two ago but i kept on postponing. The stingy side of me thought I wouldn't be able to afford the annual fee (or it'll just be a waste) and that I can manage with EPS/cash... TODAY, I realized when the clerk told me that the system was DOWN, I BADLY need one...
oh well, hopefully in the coming days I'd get to finish all the tasks!
Friday, December 07, 2007
trouble sleeping
almost 36 hours of no sleep and still counting... i really hope work/performance don't get jeopardized because of this...for some reason i have trouble sleeping this week and today is the worst as i'm almost due to get ready for work and i haven't even slept not a wink even. Oh Lord, help me please!!!!!
friends, you know who you are. sorry if MIA lately, i so miss you guys.drop me a line and put a smile on my face! =)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
stalker mode!
so i just learned yesterday that subscribing to email alerts from multiply is actually equivalent to me having viewed each and every single new post of my contacts! to think that all along, i thought i was abstaining from multiply or rather cutting back on my "multiply addiction". what the heck! i feel such a stalker tuloy! (caught in the act-I'm innocent though honest!) so will this make me unsubscribe from the email alerts and stop perusing endlessly my contacts' posts? Or probably settle with notification alerts regarding "what I've missed"? NOT! hahahaha =)
on other news, I now have a copy of hip-hop abs! whopee! thanks cy!!! let's see what'll happen! (i do hope i allot time for it! KATAM stay away from me!!! hehehehe)
Monday, November 19, 2007
aside from the stressful days ahead, i'm dreading the change/adjustment i need to make... if i am to be honest right now, i really feel that my world will shrink... of course, i don't want that to happen because maintaining the bonds that i have established so far is one of the things that keeps me sane and happy not to mention somewhat satisfied with my life. if it weren't for them i'd probably be sulking over my status. yes i may have anti-social tendencies but it's different when you have the ability to decide about it than when you are left with no choice. This will probably be a test on how strong the bonds are but I don't think I am ready for the outcome. This is a classic example of resistance to change. I am satisfied with the status quo that if possible I want things to stay where they are right now. I hope things will fall into place both at work and outside. Friends, should I be on MIA just holler! I'm just on the other end. =)
pardon for the dramatic post. deep inside i really fear i'll lose touch esp to some... I really don't want that to happen coz i really value the bonds i have right now. To all my friends, thanks so much!
where are you? for some reason today i miss you...
i've kept my heart locked up somewhere inside me
away from a stranger's grasp
will it continue beating
for you
for who
for a someone
or will it die
time's running out
is it turning to be a hopeless case?
"Am I supposed to be happy? All I ever wanted it comes with a price..."
looks can be deceiving...
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
an unlikely combination
sama ng loob
that's what i felt. it was the recurring feeling throughout the dream. and as if it wasn't enough the phrase kept on being mentioned all throughout the dream. either it was a narrator or me in the dream who kept on saying: "ang sama-sama ng loob ko!" It was weird alright but considering the people involved in my dream, i could only hypothesize what the dream really meant.
Many times I've dreamt something so real but then none of them ever came true. Only those Freudian slips which I don't have any recollection of except probably the rare instances of deja vu. So this time I dreamt of another ghost from my past but this time paired with a familiar face to me but not likely to him. It was an extremely unlikely combination. For one, they don't know each other. The ghost, P, is a neighbor and is a few years older (numbers wise). And the "girlfriend" was either a C/K, but the nickname is also a name for snacks. C/K was a batchmate of the same course from college. Now would you look at that.
I guess it only goes to show my feelings deep down as well as the confusion inside. But inspite of this, I can't seem to cry about this though. So this is just nothing. Probably just some reminder that I'm human and is still very much susceptible to pain despite my best efforts to hide and build walls around me...
I am surrounded by people
but I feel alone
I am alone
Saturday, November 03, 2007
80kph along Ortigas Ave extension
that's rare! =)
i miss a lot of food, people, activities, sessions, events, happenings, etc...
Good thing I got to eat in Green Tomato yesterday! Ordered my usual Shrimp Feta. Man, I missed it so much. BUT I still miss the sausage like the one they have in Philam makati... oh well... Wonder if there's TOSH in the ortigas area. missing their elusive aligue pasta... hehehe =) next time! =)
***finally gave in. after 20 days i logged on to multiply again. my motivation? 4 pending multiply invites. but then i just breezed through the stuff in there and quickly logged out. whereas before i'd scrutinize and look at every nook and corner of my contacts' posts... still feeling a lil snobbish on multiply and friendster. hehehe =)
Monday, October 29, 2007
hugs anyone?
thanks to chay, a previous officemate who shared the link sometime july. felt touched the first time i watched the video. yes, there was some nostalgia and reminiscing too because most of the scenes were shot in a school/environment that's all too familiar and the moments/times/memories it represents - UP Diliman... having watched it again, it still sort of strikes a chord and maybe i won't even grow tired of it.
btw, just found the link of the origin of "free hugs":
i've never really been a sweet/demonstrative person. As such, hugging has not really been something i'm accustomed to. well, probably also due to my nbsb status i've never really "discovered" how therapeutic it is. so when i changed companies and realized that for the lady newbies hugging is a habit and is normal i was quite hesitant, ilang and ilag... i am learning and getting used to it though. still getting the hang of it but i have to admit sometimes all we need is a hug... =)
on other news: i got to jog again. this time I jogged more than i walked! yay for me! though i jogged a "lap" less than the previous week i hope i will be able to really make this into a new habit. Hopefully next time, one whole lap of all jog and no walk and afterwards, more laps! *i wish i wish* Next stop, eat less and crunches! >>> i'm going for a tipid way to monitor my weight and form since i lost the free gold's gym benefit since june and i have a hard time waking up early for a game of badminton before work. hehehehehe
can't wait for AR! it's AR season again! AR season 12 and AR Asia season 2! whopee! =)
Saturday, October 27, 2007
so what?
So what kung engineering ka?
It definitely struck me as the statement was a bit too familiar!!! I couldn't help but read what was written on the back...
Sa M---a ka ba? (or something to the effect na sa m---- ka ba nag-engineering) >>deliberately omitting the other letters to lessen google search hits lest i endure the wrath of many...
WHOA! I think what the shirt was trying to say was the heck with your "course" if you're not studying in their school... wow, the nerve! but that's childish of me to say. Everybody loves their alma mater and school pride makes forums "interesting and fun"... Thus, I won't even contest or anything their claim. Anyway, I am probably not jumping into conclusions to say that the shirt the guy was wearing would probably be some kind of "pambabara" to the Eng'g Angas Shirt. Yes, OUR shirt was intended to be ma-angas but the way i understand it, it was meant for those UNOable courses/subjects where the laudes are plenty... so it was not really meant for "school rivalries" or something like that... I think the shirt was really besides the point!
anyway, ending it here before some chance bloghopper sees this and goes on broadcasting to the groups and then they'll start poking fun at my grammar/comments etc. Too lazy to reread and edit. Just my two cents worth, please forgive an anti-social loner.
other news: Still fighting the urge to show up in ym, multiply or friendster. for now, facebook will do.
Monday, October 22, 2007
against all odds!
He did it! They did it! His chance was slim but he snatched it from the supposedly youngest world champion in F1 history!!!!!!!!!!! woooohooooooooooo!!!!!
Definitely the most exciting, action-packed, full of surprises season finale! Not to mention with comedy on the side-pit lane accidents/bloopers! obviously everybody was tense... you don't need a storm to cook up a good race! what a way to end the season! TEAMWORK and TEAM Strategy paid off!
call me a die-hard but GO FERRARI!!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
new habit
on other news, i have another reason(s) to be guilty... haaayyyy... oh well... boy, i have a lot of personality issues to resolve...
natural high!!!!!
almost P1 and P2 for ferrari but then again, hamilton is incredibly and amazingly good at pulling last minute surprise "dash" on the track... guess, it's better him than alonso... but still, red and yellow all the way... anything can happen tom!i'm keeping my fingers crossed!
am i obsessed?
a ferrari die-hard perhaps?
a temperemental (not to mention bipolar weirdo) loyal addict probably...
i love ferrari!
i love F1 (and CSI and Amazing Race)
never fails to excite and jolt your senses!
next year perhaps?
what about meet raikkonen?>>>dream on girl!
qualifying results:
P1-Massa (what's with him on this track? almost as if he owns it!)
P2-Hamilton (oh well...)
P3-Raikkonen (there's still tom)
P4-Alonso (and i thought webber would actually squeeze in!)
and that's about it! hahaha =)
kidding, the rest are here: http://www.formula1.com/results/season/2007/786/6460/
all the best for the ferrari team! =)
heartbeat's back to normal, now i can sleep! =)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
heavy heart
this is just miss worry-wart on the loose...
but the fear and negative emotions are haunting me...
i'm scared...
I pray this will pass...
Lord, please help me...
Today I got stuck in traffic. I came in too late for two meetings. It rained just after I parked the car and I cried a little how my day was turning out. I thought I was having a bad day. Little did I know, it could have been worse...
Thank you...
My sympathy and condolence to those who were affected. May all of us find peace and serenity amidst all this chaos. May this event not become some sort of circus and that the truth should come out, no matter how ugly, grave or negligent it is...
I hope I can make amends for all my shortcomings... This time I hope I'll do things right and do the right things...
For the little girl who knocked but I turned away and instead of hating me for being stingy hang the garland on the side mirror, I offer her prayer and apology. I'm sorry I turned her away, I really am. Lord, please bless her and her family. I hope I meet her again and not turn her away. From now on, I won't turn away every less fortunate person who knocks. Why be indifferent? Why be particular if they're healthy or not? Why postpone what you can do now? Maybe I still won't give to everyone because that's teaching/tolerating people not to use their gifts but I won't be as stubborn on this viewpoint this time... A little sharing, a little love...
I hope I can do it...
Like the garland on the side mirror riding the wind along C5, life sometimes becomes too fast... we barely notice we're fading/falling apart.
Extremely emotional is me...
Friday, October 19, 2007
books, books, books...
if i'd just be a little more patient,
and if i had a little more (ok a whole lot) of extra cash
i'd hoard on books (the hard-bounded bigger ones) and stock em up on my "library"
but i'm just a corporate slave trying to balance bills, clothes, food, trips, and other indulgences and needs...
and my attention span is quite short really... (wish i'd give more attention to detail, read through the dictionary for the highfalutin words i come across)
currently reading:
Einstein's Dreams
yet to finish: (on hold indefinitely)
The God of Small Things
Nanny Diaries
Foucault's Pendulum
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
coming soon: (whenever that is)
The Secret
The Art of War
The Tipping Point
The Road Less Traveled
The Zahir
Eleven Minutes
Night (Elie Wiesel)
The Lovely Bones
The Witch of Portobello
Like the Flowing River
The Historian
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
Lovely Bones
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas
in the racks:
Hundred years of solitude
the alchemist
veronika decides to die
tuesdays with morrie
for one more day
five people you meet in heaven
angels and demons
da vinci code
deception point
by the river piedra i sat down and wept
the name of the rose
The Ringmaster's Daughter
The Solitaire Mystery
Anne Frank:diary of a young girl
The notebook
the devil and miss prym
i know this is nothing compared to what others have but i don't think i'll qualify to be a bookworm anyway... like my mood, my affair with books is quite unpredictable...
on another note: i will be on this self-imposed hiatus from friendster and multiply... on ym either i'll be invisible and talk to a selected few or not at all, or not online at all... let's see how long i'll last... for some reason, i just feel like "disconnecting" somehow... anti-social is me...
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
ang sarap umasa...
Huli akong nagkaroon ng balita noong kakalipat ko lang... Ngunit gaya ng dati, malabo ang mga hakbangin noon. Hindi din naman nila kasi matukoy ang aking kwalipikasyon kung nararapat nga ba talaga ako. Kaya hindi din nila ako basta-bastang matatanggap. Nais nila na makita ako at "makausap" sa personal subalit para mangyari iyon kelangan silang mapagawi ng Pilipinas o ako ang kusang pupunta dun (sariling sikap). Ilang ulit na naudlot ang aming pagkikita dito sa Pilipinas, bihira din silang mapagawi gawa ng wala naman talaga silang opisina dito.
*the rest are in my multiply...
Saturday, September 29, 2007
paranoia to the highest level
anything under the sun:
~i think i've had my fill of OH to last me for another few weeks or so again...
~i'm fit to work but with minor defects or whatever they call it... medical clearance here i come...>>> need to seriously consider a healthy lifestyle
~can't wait to start doing laps for free!!! =)
~ang kati ng kaliwang palad ko lagi... hmmmm... hehehehe yey! =)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
just a thought...
did it ever occur to you that when you are oversleeping you are actually given an extended lease on life? i mean i was not tired or anything nor did i lack sleep the day before but i suddenly had this eerie feeling that i was not supposed to wake up anymore on the second day... oversleeping is not uncommon but i guess it's just another way of looking at things. so that we'll appreciate more the oft-taken-for-granted-things like this one. admittedly there are times I'd take for granted the fact everything can change in an instant. It's like the "the sun will rise tom" statement in philo...
anyway, i'm not being sentimental or preachy here. It's just good to be reminded once in a while and probably enjoy the simple things in life.
here's to life! :)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
we own this pose! OBLATION!!!! (in case may nde nakagets! nyahahahaha)
photo credit: http://teresa47.multiply.com/photos/album/71/2007_UAAP_Cheerdance_Competition
Monday, September 17, 2007
DAY DREAMING (literally)
haaaayyyy... S$6000 for paddock area? syet! grandstand kaya? haaayyy... esp if it's a night street race! syet! >>> i need to find a temporary sugar daddy fast! hahahahahaha joke!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
various OH shots
Thursday, August 16, 2007
lakwatsera? not quite!
My Lakbayan grade is C-!
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.fortune cookie
hmmmm... whatever it is that's good news =) hahahaha
Sunday, August 12, 2007
storm's over... (for now)
i hope... for real... =)
suddenly i feel unaffected... finally the emotions have subsided... =) but it could be because my attention got diverted to other stuf (ie strict parentals)... good thing we played badminton, else i would have had the time to dwell and feel extremely angry about it... maybe i'm partly at fault but the heck i'm freaking 2x years old already! what do they want me to do, go out during the day only???!!!! that's so high school (but since they're strict for me that doesn't even apply). maybe they are hoping that i can be like a homebuddy or something BUT i want to LIVE life in my own little way you know! it's not that excessive actually. i know my limits and wouldn't do anything irresponsible that would compromise myself and my safety at the very least.... it's august. it's my birthmonth... going to be another year older... it seems to me na tumatanda akong paurong... i don't want to be like other people trying to turn back the time and "relive" their "missed out life". (case in point, married but buhay single)... haaayyyy... so much for hoping to celebrate this month with a bang... or at least in a somewhat grown-up my age way... lucky me... no BOOOOO ME!
other news: tired of this roller coaster emotion of hoping and getting disappointed... rest muna... kung wala e di wala! leche!>>>bitter syempre hahahaha
Saturday, August 11, 2007
roller coaster week
Moody Mach on the loose again! geek mode, for the benefit of non-Chem engg peeps and because i want to blab: Moody, if i remember correctly refers to a diagram we used for referencing the Reynold's number which is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces and the friction coefficients. Meanwhile, Mach refers to the number that you can use to determine the type of flow in comparison to the speed of sound. so yeah feel free to correct me ChE friends! hehehe =)
been extremely moody for this week but mostly my mood seemed to have matched the weather. at the same time i had this seemingly insatiable hunger that i kept on craving for food. imagine, right after dinner i'll already be thinking of what I'm going to eat when I get home! talk about buhay baboy. good thing i finally felt full today! hahaha =) i guess it's the hormones acting up... Or
there's something really bothering me (could be age/bday related)... so how should i call it, pre mid-life crisis??? hopefully this episode ends soon... hope the subic escapade pushes through (but i gotta get the permits/clearances from the parentals first!)... i'm not exactly stressed but i think i need the trip too since bangkok is a no-go already... *sweet escape*
this is not rock-bottom but gravity has pulled me i guess where i should really be. i must have forgotten that only our spirits can fly and what i've been seeing and feeling was an illusion or a dream. With all that's been happening I seem to have lost myself again and can't find Me. BUT this shouldn't stop me from turning dreams into reality, from making illusions come to life, from living life! Can I actually do this?
*if i turn into another, dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me...*
I can only hope...and here I thought... I built castles in the air... and I'm back to zero again. But then again, did I really go beyond zero? it was just a figment of my imagination... and i'm at fault because I knew. But I have to admit, I had fun building the castle or at least tried to build one...
*you don't mean nothing at all to me... but you got what it takes to set me free..."
experience life. embrace life. reach for the stars
Sunday, May 06, 2007
to go or not to go...
well i guess it's somewhat a bit early for me to be thinking about this right now considering I don't have a fallback yet... I would still need to give atan something, I would still need to reapply kina jake... but they can wait after I receive feedback from Friday's talk/tour... I'm hoping for the best but scared at the same time... it's good to have a choice but sometimes it's just so much easier if there's none... parang sign na dito ka dapat... there's this one thing I realized from Friday's escapade though: my ENGLISH sucks big time!!!!!
anyway, posting this article here so I won't forget... saktong sakto!
4 ways to make any job good
by Penelope Trunk
The best way to be happier at work is to take personal responsibility for your workplace well-being. Any job can be better than it is right now.Here are four ways you can improve your job instead of relying on your boss or your company to change:
1. Make a friend at work.
People with one friend at work are much more likely to find their work interesting. And people with three friends at work are virtually guaranteed to be very satisfied with their life, according to extensive research from Gallup published in the book "Vital Friends" by Tom Rath. These findings are independent of what a person's job entails, and what their home life is like.
On one level, this isn't surprising. We're better equipped to deal with hardship if we have friends near us, and we have more fun when we're with friends. So a friend allows us to deal with the ups and downs of work much more easily. (sobrang relate ako!!!huge factor!!!)
We often think of work and life as separate, and consequently fortify our home life with friends. But we need different friends for different contexts. Having someone you can count on at work to care about you and understand you feeds your soul in a way that used to apply only at home.
Of course, once you have this information, you have to figure out the most effective ways to make friends at work. Because friends don't just materialize in your cubicle -- you need to cultivate them.
2. Decrease your commute time by moving closer to work.
More than three million people have a commute that lasts more than 90 minutes. Many of them justify this commute by saying that their job is worth it, or that it allows them to have a bigger house. But the commute may be doing them great harm at home and at work.
Humans can adjust to almost any amount of bad news, according to Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert. In his book "Stumbling on Happiness," he shows that we think losing a limb will be terrible, but in fact we adjust to it pretty well. In fact, in the long run it generally doesn't affect our level of happiness.
A commute is different, though. It's impossible to adjust to because the way in which it's bad changes every day. So the tension of not knowing what will be bad, and when it will be bad, and not being able to control those things, means we're unable to use our outstanding mental abilities to adjust.
Here's the clincher, though: Even though people tell themselves it won't happen to them, a bad commute spills over into the rest of the day for almost everyone. If you have a bad commute on the way to work and you walk into the office in a bad mood, that's the mood you're likely to have all day. And if you have a bad commute on the way home, you'll probably still be grouchy by the time you go to bed.
3. Know when it's not about your job.
I'm not certain whether this is good news or bad news, but the connection between your job and your happiness is overrated. In general, the kind of work you do isn't going to have huge bearing on whether you're happy or not.
To be sure, your work can make you unhappy (see No. 2 above, for example), but work isn't going to give you the key to the meaning of life or anything like that.
Still, you can do a quick check to make sure you have a job that's good for you. A good job:
• Stretches you without defeating you
• Provides clear goals
• Provides unambiguous feedback
• Provides a sense of control
If you have these things in your job and you're still not happy, it's not your job -- it's you. (hmmmm...so is it just me or not????)
So maybe it's time to start looking inside yourself to figure out what's wrong, instead of blaming everything on your job. I'm a big fan of getting help when you feel stuck. Sure, we can all get ourselves through life, but it's often easier to get where you want to be faster if you have someone to help you overcome your barriers.
To this end, you need to know if you need a career coach or a shrink. And if your job meets the criteria on the above list, you could probably use help from a mental health professional in order to find ways to get happier.
4. Do good deeds.
Help people. Be kind. Don't think about what you get in return. Just be nice. In this way, you can make the world a better place in the job you have right now.
Take personal responsibility for your happiness during the day, and do things that make you feel good. You've heard a lot of this before. If you go to the gym, your mood will get better (and your mind will be sharper). If you eat healthy food, you feel better than if you go to McDonald's for lunch. And if you do random acts of kindness, you get as much out of it as the person you're being kind to.
But most importantly, stop looking for your work to give your life meaning. The meaning of life is in your relationships. Cultivate them. A good job is a nice thing to have, but only in the context of larger meaning.
If you're happy outside of work, where you don't rely on your boss or your company, then finding happiness at work will be that much easier.
Monday, April 16, 2007
slow reader...

I'm getting there though maybe a few more months! kidding! I actually use this book to make me fall asleep for those "sleepless" nights... The only other book (of course of the few books I've read or attempted to read so far) which I haven't been able to finish till now (more of have no intention to finish) is Foucault's Pendulum. Although, I must say I liked Eco's other book The Name of the Rose but anyway, I am digressing. Unfortunately for me, Night is currentlysold out and they have this reservation list already (so much for planning to raid other Powerbooks outlets). So, I ended up getting these instead:

This is quite a splurge already for me since I am not really a bookworm (hello january, jeff, bowdy???!!!) but then again these will probably last me until say november?hahaha :D Until then, Night would have to wait. Good luck to me on finishing all these especially The God of Small Things (must finish each one!)!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
if this was true, i should be getting ready to tie the knot by now!!! :p
anyway, bored lang... and since i'm not a fan of friendster dito na lang... hehehe
[ ] I know how to make a pot of coffee.
[x] I keep track of dates using a calendar.
[ ] I own more than one credit card.
[ ] I know how to change the oil in my dads car.
[ ] I do my own laundry.
[x] I vote every election.(uh once pa lang?)
[ ] I can cook for myself.
[ ] I think politics are exciting.
[ ] I balance my checkbook.
[x] My parents have better things to say than my friends.
total: 3
[ ] I show up for school/college/workevery day early. >>> used to be very punctual... mejo na lang! :D
[x] I always carry a pen in my pocket/purse.
[ ] I've never gotten a detention.
[x] I have never smoked a cigarette.
[ ] I have never gotten completely trashed.
[ ] I have forgotten my own birthday at least once.
[x] I like to take walks by myself.
[x] I've watched talk shows.
[x] I know what 'credibility' means without looking it up.
[ ]I drink coffee at least once a week.
total: 5
[x] I know how to do the dishes
[x] I can count to 10 in anotherlanguage.>>>(indio???)
[x] When I say I'm going to dosomething I do it
[x] My parents trust me.>>>strict lang talaga??? :p
[ ] I can mow the lawn.
[ ] I can make adults laugh without being stupid.
[ ] I remember to water the plants.
[x] I study when I have to.
[x] I pay attention at school/college.
[ ] I remember to feed my pets.>>i don't have one!
total: 6
[x] I can spell 'experience' without looking it up
[ ] I work out on a regular basis. >>> i should if i want to stay in shape!!!!!
[x] I clean up my own mess.
[ ] The people at Starbucks know me by name.
[ ] my favorite kind of food is takeout.
[x] I have gained weight sincemiddle/high school.
[ ] The first thing I do when I wake up is get caffeine.
[ ] I cant go out of the store without getting something I don't need.
[ ] I understand political jokes the first time they are said. >>> joyce=slow!
[x] I can type quickly. >>define quickly???
total: 4
[ ] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour.
[ ] My only friends are from my place of employment.
[ ] I have been to a tupperware party >> no idea, ano to??? :D
[ ] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 or have a job.
[ ] I have more bills than I can pay.
[ ] Most of my friends are older than Iam.
[x] I can say no to staying out all night. >>> cinderella is that you???
[x] I use the internet every day.>>> i have to?
[x] My wardrobe hasn't changed in awhile.
[x] I can read a book and actually finish it.
add up all the number and repost thisas: MY MARRiAGE AGE iS 22 (score)
Saturday, March 31, 2007
scorching summer heat--Taal style
where: TAAL
coming soon: pinatubo, EK, MOA (skating), Corregidor, Taal take 2????
(side note: lakwatsa galore! mapapagalitan na ako nito pag nagkataon! hahaha may sorsogon/bicol, laguna, bangkok pa with college friends! hahaha :p pro sana matuloy and makajoin ako hehehe....)

Sunday, March 18, 2007
not so random words...
- mind games
- perfect storm
- character
- one voice
- triangle
- coffee talk
- goodbye
- comfort zone
- octagon
Saturday, March 17, 2007
oh well...
but not always... and yet you have to welcome and embrace them... so that you can grow as a person and experience life at its fullest...
to my friend, congrats... it's been nice knowing you. whatever happens i'm happy for you... carpe diem! listen to your heart and mind... let your soul talk to God... wish you all the best...
and as much as i would want to deny this... i'm on the verge of feeling sorry for myself... being lost, hopeless, pressured, and depressed... whoever said life would be easy? how would you know gain from pain if you have not experienced both...
it's downhill from here again for me... damn, i need an upper (aka something to lift my spirits)!
like i always say, "oh well..."
Sunday, March 04, 2007
thank God for friends...
Panagbenga 2007 with College Friends
(sa uulitin!)
pics from Atan's site(and camera too!) =)
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
>>>edit: then again, i guess not! it's a win-win situation i just have to weigh my options carefully and think hard about the decision I would make... what makes me happy, satisfied, contented and proud... and if i'm ready to face the consequences... of course, time, effort, determination, conviction, principle, and blessing are essential... no easy way out...
Sunday, February 18, 2007
why do all good things come to an end?...
so yeah, bowdy's right, it does feel like a Golden Cage...
hopefully, i won't be THAT emotional again... it's a struggle... but I'm optimistic that one day I'll be able to overcome this...
it has come to a point where I pretty much don't care about the person anymore... and what he'd feel or others would think... there's a saying in our organization back in college before, "huwag kang mang-aapak pero huwag kang magpapatapak"... i don't think by being like this or feeling like this i'm already offending the person... there's just this what you call as a limit on what a person can take... I've reached that limit and i think he's gone too far... and that you've given him all the chance you can to understand and hope that he'll treat you maybe not nicely at least fairly... sabi nga ni January, tiis pa and tiis lang... hopefully, next week I'll be detached from all these negative emotions... para deadma na lang... that week maybe sort of brought out the worst in me... it was not intentional, and i sincerely hope that I won't be marked for life because of it... yeah, I'm still young and have so much to learn...
on the other hand, there's still no news which adds to my sadness... I'm wishing, hoping, praying for the best...
if plans push through, the weekend ahead might help...
Saturday, February 10, 2007
better days...
take away the hurt...
admire the sunset
glow in the sunrise
everything happens for a reason...
and we should embrace, conquer
not be imprisoned by it...
whatever the reason...
add them all together
and you have better days...
**hey look at the sun, it's shining brightly on my life**
everything happens for a reason. It makes you:
1. appreciate what you have
2. rethink your goals
3. reevaluate your priorities
4. redefine your standards
5. aim higher!
Reach for the stars!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
savoring the stress-free weekend...
first stop: MOA day with Jake, JP, Cy, Cha and Katre... think: dinner, Night at the museum, impromptu ice skating and coffee afterwards in Greenbelt... priceless!!!! major laugh trip with bits of serious convo here and there... BUT being the Cinderella/KJ aka 'kill joyce' that I am, i had to excuse myself from subjecting myself to humiliation when it was red box time which lasted until the following day... too bad I couldn't join (when will I ever? that's why I gotta seriously think about moving out or relocating perhaps?)... There were quite a number missing in attendance but it sure feels great to be with the 'gang' again, (got the term from Jake). Hopefully on the next "gimik" I'll be able to join again!
ice skating was one unplanned activity but a 'cool' one at that! 'twas actually my second time only since like 1st or 2nd year of college! that LONG already!!! wasn't able to bring the camera on the ice so I'm just going to borrow pics taken by Cy in his phone when he uploads them. Somehow, the three pics that I have don't even come close to illustrating what happened on the ice!!! haha
sidenote: guys, if you haven't you should watch Night at the Museum... major laugh trip! but it could also be that we were just so stressed out with "work" that found even the tiniest of things in the movie as very funny. :p
second stop: Lunch at Leslie's Tagaytay. I have promised the family that I'll treat them for Lunch or dinner at Leslie's since like December of last year! Due to our hectic schedules which somehow do not seem to match it has been postponed indefinitely. I've been wanting to get the family to go to Tagaytay again since it's been so long that we've been to Tagaytay as a family. I was actually motivated during Erik's visit last year when I saw that so much has changed since I've been there last. Leslie's a start, maybe when dad goes to Sonia's this weekend he can then treat us there too next time. we were supposed to go there with my cousin but unfortunately, she was in the province... maybe next time :) Lunch was good but again not on the budget... but it's enough that they appreciated the fact that we went to Tagaytay to eat Lunch! ahaha :D kidding aside, my mom couldn't agree more on the positive changes. She could still remember the 'kubo-kubo' by the road before in order to get a good view of the Taal Lake/volcano... ooopppssssss.... all of a sudden I remember someone with the mere mention of Taal!
some pics:
Monday, January 29, 2007
..::show me the way out::..
..::the stars winked::..
~pakner ley's in sing na pala... and i can only conclude na he's in the industry...major inggit!!!~
Sunday, January 28, 2007
....when will it be me?....
came from my cousin's wedding today where I was a cord sponsor...(didn't bring my camera along so no instant pictures). it was a simple wedding but a meaningful one just the same... and i had to try different means to keep me from shedding tears... i mean i totally can feel the whole ambiance and all... during the wedding march though no one was actually crying, and though ate is already at the "prime" age, feel na feel ko yung moment... maluha-luha ako... prang ang surreal ng lahat...
my thoughts:
~when will it be me?.................................................................................
i guess that sums it all up... though i would say to myself, one day i wanna do the same... but if there's nobody, then that's just too bad... so each day i go on hoping...
current addictions:
princess hours! ehehe :D