*hugs* for everyone for the hi's and hello's... thanks really:) i'm sorry if i was not able to reply immediately or if i didn't reply at all... it's not that i'm always sad... there are really days when i feel sucky and all...
another round of thanks to those who care... i may not appear to be that appreciative all the time. i may be insensitive or indifferent... i may not be able to reciprocate... but thank you for understanding and somehow making me feel that I have my own worth and reason for being...
I was just browsing through my compilation of pictures from college, and it sucks. as if I don't miss college enough already! waaah! ALCHEMES, sem-enders, GAs, tambays, EK days, eng'g week etc. planning sems (though my collection of pics from the council is pretty much non-existent! paging esc pips! menge copy! puh-lease!:D) haaaay... on a lighter note, at least I have pictures I can browse through every once in a while... good times!:D miss ko na kayo sobra! (review classmates hindi masyado! ahaha:D peace!:D)
and yeah for the record, I am still not in review mode! the heck, I made a comprehensive personal schedule for review starting last Monday and guess what! I haven't started yet! still! gosh! I really need some self-discpline! I gotta start reviewing lest I end up cramming! But at least for the past days, I've been doing some sort of way(lasts at the most 10mins! ahaha:D yay me!) to help me lose the extra weight I've gained because of overeating and oversleeping! hehe:D
hope i'll be able to meet up with ate kim et al tom...:D
*hugs and kisses* for everyone! thanks for making me feel a lil better if not completely fine!:D
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