just anything under the sun depending on my mood. I am particularly moody so a lot of them tend to be emo stuff. I am trying to make it more candid though.... so anything goes! :)
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
but i can't wait to go back...
i have to go back...
we have to go back...
Guys, sorry if I've been MIA...
pics will be uploaded soon... (hopefully, since i still owe the team xmas party pics. back-logs are piling... deadliest deadlines are fast-approaching!)
PPR time! hope it will turn out well... it's actually 1:37 now, since I browsed a little - well yeah, quite a lot. semi-technology dependent...i can actually go on days/weeks without tv/net etc... but not that long! sort of need to make up for lost time!!! ahaha
can't help but feel betrayed... someone has been definitely unfair... so not good for you... besides since when has it been "good for you". ahahaha...
australians seem cute! lims, i know what i want as pasalubong from australia now! *wink* >>> and no, i have not been to australia! i am but a middle-class citizen and i can only wish...
Friday, December 22, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
going mad on polka dots!!! ika nga ni polo: "annie batungbakal!!!" ahaha... well, at least i felt i stood out! ahaha so yeah, it's true as long as you feel good about yourself and what you're wearing... who cares what other people say! from the very start i was really going for a "polka-dotted" outfit. good thing i found one that is within budget! ehehe
again, CONGRATULATIONS to all the new chemical engineers!!!
thank you Lord, for making all things happen...
thank you Papa and Mama, for always being there...
thank you batchmates, for the camaraderie and a memorable college life...
thank you janna and joddy, for the bonding sessions...
thank you friends, for all the prayers, chats, breathers, sessions, etc...
to everyone else and everyone (huh?!!!), for the memories, and being a part of my life.
pictures will be uploaded in my multiply site. (hopefully batchmates will give me a copy of the pix from their camera too! ehehe)
ATTN: batchmates, txt nio/inform nio nman ako please kung kelan kayo kuha nung pix! thx! :)
Monday, December 11, 2006
look up in the sky! pollutants galore?!!!!
they're so nice to look at (nevermind the damage to the atmosphere?). anyway, these pics make me feel somewhat better with my camera... i am not a hobbyist or anything but that olympus camera i saw in the papers one time was sooo cool! the one you can actually take with you when you're snorkeling... but fact of life, you can't have everything. so i'm lucky i have one of my own. that should matter more. one thing sucks though, watching the fireworks through an LCD screen!. i'll upload the videos (with all the shaking that might make you feel a little dizzy) on my multiply next time.
i have my dress for the oathtaking! Many thanks Sodexho! ahaha! really what a pleasant surprise... but still have quite a handful to buy or accomplish still.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Box full of memories
I was digging through this “box” were I kept thingamajings with “sentimental values” and came across this unused card which I bought sometime in 2002… 4 years pala not three… that f*cking long already… I’m that f*cking old… I’m a f*cking overage member of the nbsb crew already.. when will I f*cking graduate?… or will I ever?
Words by Derrick Barnes
Never in my wildest dreams
would I have thought
that I would ever meet
a soul as beautiful as you.
If someone would’ve told me
that in my future
an angel would drop from the sky
into my world,
I wouldn’t have believed them,
even if they were psychic.
The things you speak of, your thoughts,
the way you express and share
your emotions –
all blend perfectly with
how I’ve always longed to feel.
If there is, indeed,
“somebody for everybody”
in this great big place,
my “someone” has arrived.
You have given me
a joy beyond words
and a love that everyone
hopes to find.
Seems as if we’re allowed
one true love…
and you are mine.
I can remember me especially liking the last line. As always, regrets… somehow I think I wouldn’t be like this right now if I did this and that…
not so random song:
Sometimes it's wrong to walk away, though you think it's over
Knowing there's so much more to say
Suddenly the moment's gone
And all your dreams are upside down
And you just wanna change the way the world goes round
Tell me, have you ever loved and lost somebody
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry
Can't you see, that's the way I feel about you and me, Baby
Have you ever felt your heart was breaking
Lookin down the road you should be taking
I should know, cos I loved and lost the day I let you go
Can't help but think that this is wrong, we should be together
Back in your arms where I belong
Now I've finally realised it was forever that I've found
I'd give it all to change the way the world goes round
Tell me, have you ever loved and lost somebody
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry
Can't you see, that's the way I feel about you and me, Baby
Have you ever felt your heart was breaking
Lookin down the road you should be taking
I should know, cos I loved and lost the day I let you go
I really wanna hear you say that you know just how it feels
To have it all and let it slip away, can't you see
Even though the moment's gone, I'm still holding on somehow
Wishing I could change the way the world goes round
Tell me, have you ever loved and lost somebody
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry (I'm sorry)
Can't you see, (ohhh) that's the way I feel about you and me, Baby
Have you ever felt your heart was breaking
Lookin down the road you should be taking
I should know, (I should know) cos I loved and lost the day I let
Yes I loved and lost the day I let
Yes I loved and lost the day I let you go
[Thanks to Swish2115@aol.com for these lyrics]
Thursday, November 30, 2006
wish ko lang....
wishful thinking - Material girl mode
- cds: lighthouse family, rascal flatts, goo goo dolls, bukas palad christmas album, etc.
- stitch/care bears "huggables"
- dvds (series:koreanovelas, csi etc.; movies: amelie, rent, il mare etc)
- bags
- hankies (armando caruso) - lose them a lot! (hehe)
- books
- miracle/thierry mugler perfume
- bag charm, earrings, accessories (kikay stuff - not too kikay though! ahaha)
- pink jacket (aka esc '05-'06)
desperate mode/topak mode
- boylet specifically... ahahaha
thought for the day: "the world has become too big... much too big..."
while for awkward moments though this applies: "the world is too small... much too crowded even for two people..."
as always... still no guts...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
He makes all things possible...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
ride the waves but don't let the current control you...
don't let your guard down if you're not ready to be exposed...
danger lurks out in the open, so be prepared...
and if you should fall, get up...
withdraw and fallback, then reinforce your walls...
i got carried away... thanks for the reality check...
... this is why i'm becoming numb...boo me! but i can't deal...i'd really rather not...
Monday, September 18, 2006
anyone out there reading this, please include me and my batchmates in your prayers. to my batchmates, may God bless us!
as for work, I'm really having trouble keeping up. i am really doing what i can to measure up with the expected workload but somehow i still find myself lagging behind at the end of the day. considering that i almost don't chat anymore, scan blogs, etc... but on the light side, i feel more at ease now with my team mates... i'm just a bit concerned that they're pairing me off with this person and that... it's nothing really to me and take it as nothing personal and all part of office dynamics (interrelationships) and as best as i can ride along. but it has come to my attention that should i not react negatively or dislike/distaste in what they're doing my image might suffer in the long run. rumors can get pretty nasty. remarking: "ano ba yan, para na akong pokpok" may do little to communicate to the rest of the world that i'm not a flirt! i know it really should not be a big deal. it's just good that somebody warned me early on so that i can also warn others in the process. not everybody knows me well enough but everybody's a judge of someone else's character and i cannot always go on explaining myself to them... proactive monitoring lang... :D
***all i can hear is my mind talking... but i have to hear my heart as well... there's so much noise i can't hear it... or i could feel it reaching out to me yet i choose to ignore and pretend to be deaf...***
***i think i've become numb again and closed my doors... i know it, i'm waiting for you to let me feel it... it seems texting ain't enough...***
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
say what?!!!
Gonzalez: UP breeds destabilizers, naked runners
By Armand Nocum
Last updated 02:25am (Mla time) 08/27/2006
Published on page A5 of the August 27, 2006 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer
THIS time Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez has picked on the University of the Philippines school system, saying it mainly produces militant protesters and fraternity men and women who run around the campus naked.
“That school breeds the destabilizers that haunt the country year after year. They are acting as if they are the only ones who know how to run the country,” Gonzalez told the Inquirer yesterday.He made it clear, however, that he was not assailing the entire university population because “there are many students there who are bright and good.”Interviewed by phone while he was with President Macapagal-Arroyo in Guimaras, Gonzalez pointed to the Oblation run of the APO fraternity as another indication of the kind of students that came from UP.
“I doff my hat to them because they initiate the running of naked people... That’s also one kind of culture that they develop there,” he said, noting that women had begun to join the naked run as well which is held in December.
“Maybe we are going in that direction... there are now women running naked. I will not be surprised if they will go to school with only their books, nothing more,” he said.
>>> from Inq7.net:http://newsinfo.inq7.net/inquirerheadlines/nation/view_article.php?article_id=17434
Saturday, August 26, 2006
just like any other day...
to be honest, not many would have known (for I tried my best to hide it din nmn, although i gave hints to some) that I was so not feeling yesterday. I mean it is not just any day,but heck up until the night before, I'd find myself crying. (or at least near tears). anyway, so to downplay the sadness I guess, treating it as just any other day was my escape route...
and although, I didn't exactly get 2 of the things I wished for today, things turned out fine after all(if you look on the bright side). One, we didn't win in the presentation. Yes, we hoped and expected.Why not? our groupmates really gave their best. kung kaming pasaway na sunod lang ng sunod na-disappoint pano pa kaya sila na nag-organize. Oh well, at least we know that we wowed the audience.Maybe too much, cause come presentation end, everybody was so amazed at what we did to even react or clap. (there goes the audience impact!) It wasn't for the measly 4000 worth of GCs (which we'd have to divide to approx 40) but yeah, the pride and recognition for a job well done. You can just imagine the amount of effort our organizers put into the preparation just to come up with a winning entry.
Second, well... it's a bit confidential... rest assured it's something not someone (and not that expensive as well). But I guess, it's not yet my time... Hopefully one day.
on the bright and sunny part though, I am touched with all the greetings... i'm not that hard to please din pala after all... you just have to surprise me! ahaha... the biggest surprise of all came from bowdy and jeff though! ehehe (ayos ang GB3 walkway!) I appreciate the gesture so much. Thanks! And to everyone, who cares, knows, remembers... THANKS!

.::"you guys have no idea how ordinary I felt yesterday was and should be. it your greetings and thoughtfulness that reminded me how special yesterday was... thank you really..."::.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
after college...
it's actually hard when there are really interesting shows. I mean it's mega-speed week in NGC. I already missed inside 9/11 today, as well as CSI Miami. Oh well...
there are days when when I enjoy what I'm doing but then there are those days I just want to get up and leave... life...
***it's Cha's birthday today. Happy Birthday! keep smiling!***

Friday, July 07, 2006
where art thou?
blame it on lack of inspiration.... nah!
blame it on "Life"... "my Life"
I really need to get a Life... there's like this new bar, I think in GB3 which goes by the name of BED space (or something like that) but the whole concept is no conventional seats/tables, just beds/sofa beds. Got to saw it last monday, when we ate at D'Marks. so anyone interested to check the place out?... so yeah, as if I'm free!!! so brave of me to ask! anyway, I really hope that I'd get to go someplace after the board exam this November (so as to put to good use my digicam which is depreciating very fast...). I can only hope...
where have my entries gone to?
maybe to some other free sites... :p
Friday, June 23, 2006
another round of thanks to those who care... i may not appear to be that appreciative all the time. i may be insensitive or indifferent... i may not be able to reciprocate... but thank you for understanding and somehow making me feel that I have my own worth and reason for being...
I was just browsing through my compilation of pictures from college, and it sucks. as if I don't miss college enough already! waaah! ALCHEMES, sem-enders, GAs, tambays, EK days, eng'g week etc. planning sems (though my collection of pics from the council is pretty much non-existent! paging esc pips! menge copy! puh-lease!:D) haaaay... on a lighter note, at least I have pictures I can browse through every once in a while... good times!:D miss ko na kayo sobra! (review classmates hindi masyado! ahaha:D peace!:D)
and yeah for the record, I am still not in review mode! the heck, I made a comprehensive personal schedule for review starting last Monday and guess what! I haven't started yet! still! gosh! I really need some self-discpline! I gotta start reviewing lest I end up cramming! But at least for the past days, I've been doing some sort of way(lasts at the most 10mins! ahaha:D yay me!) to help me lose the extra weight I've gained because of overeating and oversleeping! hehe:D
hope i'll be able to meet up with ate kim et al tom...:D
*hugs and kisses* for everyone! thanks for making me feel a lil better if not completely fine!:D
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
after ten years... again another update...
so ok, I got to watch TROY only last night when it was shown over HBO and I wasn't even able to start the movie! one word though: ACHILLES! oh man, why didn't I watch that movie way before?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
and yeah I dropped by the school to get my clearance and stuff last Friday. I sooooo miss school!!!! waaaah! :(
***smile like you mean it***
Friday, May 26, 2006
we're gonna watch x-men 2m! yay! bought tix na in advance before going home...:D i learned my lesson with da vinci(still to watch that movie, might watch it on dvd na lang!). though the line in gateway is so much longer!
freaky! sino ka ba? 09197735665............................................... tagos ang mga quotes mo tsong![sadness creeping in, though if ur that person, yikes tlga...] i'm so wondering tuloy if you're a complete stranger or what!sino ka ba?????????
Saturday, May 20, 2006
missing college... already...
i'm feeling kinda blue because of all sorts of things... one of which because i terribly miss college or being a student... haaay... it's so much fun being a student! >>> yeah, yeah, now i know! a couple of you guys told me so!...
HS friends are somewhere in antipolo right now... too bad i can't go... oh well, hope there's a next time... in between now and december, i hope coz december's way too far...miss you guys!:D
it's summertime again in the US, meaning lots of movies!(or at least those that i like)
the da vinci code, XMEN, Superman, Pirates... haaay...
(pic courtesy of: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1808556813/photo/597604)
me likes johnny depp!!! not in a crush way... just like pirates 1 and willy wonka :D
so much for an attempt to make kwento... wow so conio! ahaha:)
[edit, too lazy to open a new post-May 20 pm]:
am still trying to reserve tix for da vinci despite the negative things i've been hearing and though i've read the book na... wanna watch after review... can't get to reserve online though...
Kath, why the cuervo session? hope everything's fine...
....they look cute together, and so right for each other? think they are a match... i sort of envy them though...
Dani, happy happy birthday. hope you had lots of reasons to smile and be especially happy this day. Keep smiling:D God bless:D
so there, finally a new entry the blogdiggers can read:D ehehe:D
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
peechur peechur!:D
binuhay q multiply account q for that! hehe:D senxa kung tamad mag-email... :D
and sa mga may pix na andun ako, pls do email me a copy! or if not pls do tell me if you have an account that i can access! puhleeeease!:D hehe:D tenchu!:D
Monday, April 24, 2006
senti mode...
to my batchmates, especially the 5th year ALCHEMISTS. really thank you for everything. i know I've mentioned you guys more than once in this blog but you i am just so grateful. i was scared of being a loner (sometimes i still am, though by choice), of not having friends, of not enjoying college. i expected that college will all be academics, i did not expect it to be so colorful... (drama!) really thanks so much. will miss you guys sobra. hope we'd get to bond once in a while pa rin... and walang kalimutan especially yung mga madaling yayaman jan! hehe:D special mention to these people: cha, luh, and lims (my plant design groupmates), kat and bryan (my ChE 135 groupmates), marj and al (ChE 125 groupmates), albert, jake, jp, dani, fem, yani, cecile, feng, cy, riyann, pjo, atan, elle, bods, mark, glei, kawen, etc. :D

College of Engineering Batch 2006, CONGRATULATIONS!
grad ball sa tuesday, kita-kits nalang.:D
congrats by the way to the ChE Reps 06-07 for the oriental (and very successful) Grad dinner last thursday, April 20 held at Kublai's and the ESC 06-07 for the College Recog Rites last saturday, April 22, 2006. :D

ala lang... latest download from limewire...:D
THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY - Natasha Bedingfield
Would you spare me a minute give me a single chance
To look in your eyes let me hold your hand
I want to get close enough to read you, understand you
Open up your heart open up your mind
Nobody needs another stalker in your life
I'm only here to help you learn to love me, to know me
[Chorus] I need a hook so you won't be the one that got away
I need a look that stuns you makes you want to stay
Don't want to speak in case it comes out wrong
Don't want to blink cause in that second you could be gone
I need a twist to help me turn, turn this story around
I need a bridge to cross this dangerous ground
Meet me in the middle like I want you to
I gotta find your heart to shoot my arrow through
Did you see me staring you caught my eye
Don't turn around don't walk away
The night is young can we get together
Got so many questions feelings I can't explain
We're worlds apart don't even know your name
I'm longing to give you my heart
Turn around don't evaporate
Like you never came turn around
Don't be a ghost forever never there to haunt me
Sliding doors they aren't just on a train
We're alone on a platform in the rain
There's a chance and it won't come again
Turn around your whole life has changed [Chorus]
LSS (College Recog Rites) - FOR GOOD
I'm limited: Just look at me - I'm limited
And just look at you - You can do all I couldn't do, Glinda
So now it's up to you
(spoken) For both of us
(sung) Now it's up to you:
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led To those who help us most to grow
If we let them And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you
Like a comet pulled from orbit As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you I have been changed for good
It well may be
That we will never meet again In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend: Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea Like a seed dropped by a skybird In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you: GLINDA Because I knew you:
BOTH I have been changed for good
And just to clear the air I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done you blame me for
But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share
BOTH And none of it seems to matter anymore
Like a comet pulled
Like a ship blown From orbit as it
Off it's mooring Passes a sun, like By a wind off the
A stream that meets Sea, like a seed
A boulder, half-way Dropped by a
Through the wood Bird in the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
I do believe I have been changed for the better?
GLINDA And because I knew you:
ELPHABA Because I knew you:
BOTH Because I knew you: I have been changed for good.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
acadcomm outing: April 4-5, 2006
(though tottie and yhan weren't with us nung outing...)

pahabol: next year ulit!:D thaks ACADCOMM:D
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
finally some update...
God is soooooo good... can't seem to thank Him enough...
i love my family, especially my mom...
~(segway lng)
Thanks to everyone!
5th year ALCHEMISTS! good times!:D ("un"fortunately was among those who hit the sack early last FR. sorry guys, no "free" talk-show :D hehe:D)
HS friends... u know who you are... sorry for the "mood swings" and the hibernation...
hp, yeah after all these years... i still remember for you'll always be some part of hmmm... don't get me wrong i am not holding on... well, i used to but not anymore. (finally!) ahaha:D
acquaintances and everyone who's been a part of my life in one way or another...
but anyway, THIS POST was not intended to be a "THANK YOU POST" so will cut it short...
was scared of what i'm gonna do with my life after school (though i would want to earn an MBA degree perhaps though maybe in a few years time depending on what is necessary... or what field i would want to concentrate)... other than review...felt that review for the board exam on November alone with be such a waste... as if i'm such a bum and a "basura"... but God has plans... and i'm thankful... hope i can manage things though...
shux, i am now an adult! shit! i am no longer entitled to "student fare discounts!" ahaha:D whattalyf!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
pinaka-stressful ever...and i missed blogging
Harlon mode: ON
the most stressful, busiest week i ever had... i think i look like an old maid now.... oh no!
i really shouldn't be blogging right now (again) for there's still a ton of things i have to do and finish today(see so much to do... so little time) but well, the laptop's not cooperating so i'm downloading in the meantime the trial version of AVG... pls let this be something that i can fix... all the files that i need are there...
on a different note, despite the fact that i am not sure with my graduation status, i already signed up for a board exam review. my sked's gonna be every *toot*. though most of my batchmates signed for *toot*... hehe:D joke time! oh well... and later i think i must do the college recog thing... fees, etc...
but... i'm so not sure... Lord, please let him be considerate enough... kamusta naman ang sermon and all... ok lng, matatanggap q lahat all in the name of a 3! pls... i'm sounding desperate na, coz i am... buti pa yung sa ibang class ngarag sila sa plant design pro not to the extent na may threat na hindi maka-grad... at least, i'm sure na that i will pass ChE 126... another 3... nu b un, kung kelan graduating saka nagkanda-3 ang mga grade. but 3 is better than 5 cyemps! hehe:D
shit! i need to find a place that will bind our work in a flash like the shortest time possible... sana meron... in SC, ang rush binding sa tuesday na... kamusta naman! buhay... ba't ba ako nagChem Eng'g in the first place?!!!!! haaay... panay IT naman ang na-apply-an ko! nu b un! un pa, i'm so.... bsta un... missed an interview with RAM-CAR this week and an exam with IBM... oh well... must trust in God and His plans...
saw hotness today... la lang, konting crush na lng... not super kilig na like before... hehe:D
missed blogging... dani, thanks for the quotes.:D matapos lng to, i'm looking forward to seeing MP, GM or Maria Clara this monday? ahaha:D but then again... i might not at all... sad...
ok, will do the comparative study, MSDS now.
Harlon Mode: OFF
Plant design mode: ON (again... haaay... hope last na...)
Sunday, March 26, 2006

April 22 (Sat)
Engineering Recognition (Graduation) Rites
@ University Theater
April 23 (Sun) - University Graduation
@ Quezon Hall
Attire for both: Sablay (cotton - P220, havlon/woven - P700)
-> less than 150 pcs of woven sablays are available at
the Office of Director for Instructions (ODI)
2/F Quezon Hall for the entire university. so hurry!!!
March 29 - April 1 -
@ MH 305-311, 9pm-6pm (lunch break: 12-1)
-> All engineering graduates marching this April should be
present in this activity to avoid problems during the
Engineering Recognition Rites
Please ready the following payments
1. Graduation Fee - P100
2. Diploma Case - P70
3. UPAE joining fee - P200 (1yr membership)
P5000 (lifetime membership)
4. Inhinyero Balance (if any)
5. Cotton sablay - P220 (optional, you may also
order @ ODI)
6. Grad Ring (optional)
7. Expo Photo - official photographer during the
Recog Rites (optional)
* Important: Bring any picture ID for
April 17-19 -
Sablay Release
so much to do so little time...
3 subjects down... (though i have yet to find out my final grade in ChE 136 - uno na! hehe:D and my standing-if passing or not- in ChE 126... *fingers crossed-am hopeful*. maybe tom i'll find out..)
shiiiiiiiiiiiit! isa na lang... ang pinakamalupit pa sa lahat - PLANT DESIGN. (let our prof be merciful and understanding enough... pls Lord...) this early though, can't help but think of ehem ehem "jose"! hehe:D everything's just so stressful that "losing control" seems like a very inviting "R&R" hehe:D oh well... am just so tired and stressed out right now...
my to do list:finalize process flow
edit process description: for technical + market study
equipments: side view
equipments: relative size
equipments: relative position
equipments: specification sheet
equipments: suppliers/costing
pipes, conveyors, pumps, blowers
production sched
comparative view of companies involved in same industry
appendices: mass and energy balance calculations
appendices: equipment design
appendices: MSDS, Physical and Chemical Properties
letter of transmittal
list of tables, figures, graphs, specification sheets ekek
i keep on writing to do lists every now and then, as if writing will accomplish one task. nevertheless, it's to keep me reminded and organized else chaos... but it sucks that the list doesn't look any shorter than yesterday or days before, despite the fact that i've been sleeping irregularly not to mention that i've been sleeping all over the house except my room (nah! just on either the sofa, the dining table or on the carpet in the living room), skipping my chores, (not having the car cleaned for the 2nd week now!), using the laptop for hours and hours... not watching CSI for months now!(waaah...). haaaay life! damn! i need a break after all these. but it would sure be great if i graduate right? I MUST GRADUATE! isa na lng... kaya to...
Lord, thank you for all the reminders...
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
this is it!
got my copy of the yearbook already. shit kamusta ang "baby fat" for everybody to see... itabi pa sa page ni dana! shit tlga!

what am i going to do? i am so lost.. what will happen after all these? my goal is just to finish everything for the meantime... review? what sched? work? whatever! plant design and 126 muna!...
a lot of people has been hooked on this done, though i haven't tried it yet (even if just to answer theirs...) nevertheless am trying it now, hope someone's out there got the time to answer mine... and put a smile on this haggard and stressed (burn-out?) face of mine... senxa kapal ng mukha ko manghingi ng comments... hehe:D blogdiggers, for once magparamdam kayo! sagutan nio ito! hehe:D click on my name:D--> jOYCEy will appreciate it big time! (lalo na ngaun!:D) sneak-peek
morning y'all! kathleen, pat, et al... sorry if i'm MIA...
ok gotta finish my tasks now!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
(bitter?)sweet tooth...
Coffee Mud Cake
Coffee Punch
Decadent Coffee Mousse
Espresso Brownies
Holiday Chocolate Cherry Demitasse
Iced Coffee
Iced Summer Mocha
Mocha Rum Torte
Roast Beef with Coffee
i am that not into coffee though. however, it reminded me of this: Kahlua Butter Cake: Full-flavored coffee liqueur mocha butter cake with Kahlua fudge and coffee butter icing. P61.00.
waaaah! so craving right now... anyone care to treat me for dessert there? (even for dessert only, hehe:D)
would you believe that i only got to eat in choco kiss last December? hehe:D anyway, kahlua... shiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!
ok, back to plant design mode...
Saturday, March 04, 2006
signing off
ESC '05-'06!
ACAD COMM! Chemay, Ley, Ju, Geo, Jo, Lady, Kit, Tottie (congrats chemay!) Go acadcomm! best comm!
ChE Reps! angge, cel, cha, meanne, nat
UP ALCHEMES(jake et al)
groupmates sa 190 and 142!(esp cha, luh, lims)
Dr. Peralta and the Department of Chemical Engineering
friends! HS (love, she, mitch, cams, mojo, chinky, marlon, ian, ramon, cy), pat, kathleen...
family(pa, ma, bro, lil sis!) for all the support(financial! hehe:D, moral, emotional, etc.) and for the understanding...(it can't be denied that i am a very moody person!)
Lord... without you i wouldn't have survived from day one...
*tears* will miss the experience... will miss the council (though not all the work, maybe some only)...
CONGRATS TO NESTEE! (P&G Student Excellence Awardee!) your ESC Councilor! (tandaan din natin) SOL REGALADO, ANGELLE RIVERA, your ChE Representative.
On a different note: what rallies? hehe:D i must say that not everything you see in the news is representative of UP... sad to say that there are apathetic segments as well. i hate to say it but in engg there has not been a walk-out or anything. we are somewhat detached on what's happening on the other side of the academic oval.. eng'g people are just being practical. as our chair mentioned in jest, "wla ba silang acads?" in my opinion, they can afford to skip classes because they can immediately make up for their absence and catch up... but eng'g subjects? aral o rally? aral...(opinion q lang po ito... kebs lang cguro aq masyado... or nde aq anti-GLORIA though not pro-GLORIA. ang tanong lang kasi kung hindi xa sino?) Guingona? Cory? Rez? FPJ? Noli? Imee? Jamby? Bayani Fernando? siguro pede pa(hehe)ahh ERAP! ung pinalayas ng rallies nung 2001 ba yun? tutal malakas xa magdonate...
ACAD MODE! FULL BLAST! 142, 136, 126, 190
Friday, March 03, 2006
last na...
i am tired and deactivated... sad and feeling sad and low again...
slept in the sofa again last night for the nth time, without being able to change clothes and having no intake other than "chicken balls", chippy and royal... what a life... it's gross i know...
will be staying overnyt later in the office...
dami ko backlogs... cge, i'm out na... wish me luck...
what the hell is happening to me?!!!!! don't feel well... physical, mental, emotional exhaustion... again... oh damn!
my mom warned me because she noticed that i ate a little for breakfast considering i didn't have anything "real" for supper that it wouldn't be a surprise if i pass put anytime... this however prompted me to say, "sana nga..." ewan... low energy lng ako ngaun tlga...
ok, need to prepare my stuff na and head to school...
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Leader of the Band
Dan Fogelberg
An only child
Alone and wild
A cabinet maker’s son
His hands were meant
For different work
And his heart was known
To none --
He left his home
And went his lone
And solitary way
And he gave to me
A gift I know I never
Can repay
A quiet man of music
Denied a simpler fate
He tried to be a soldier once
But his music wouldn't wait
He earned his love
Through discipline
A thundering, velvet hand
His gentle means of sculpting souls
Took me years to understand.
The leader of the band is tired
And his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through
My instrument
And his song is in my soul --
My life has been a poor attempt
To imitate the man
I'm just a living legacy
To the leader of the band.
My brothers' lives were
For they heard another call
One went to chicago
And the other to st. paul
And I'm in colorado
When I'm not in some hotel
Living out this life I've chose
And come to know so well.
I thank you for the music
And your stories of the road
I thank you for the freedom
When it came my time to go --
I thank you for the kindness
And the times when you got tough
And, papa, I don't think i Said
'i love you' near enough --
The leader of the band is tired
And his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through
My instrument
And his song is in my soul --
My life has been a poor attempt
To imitate the man
I'm just a living legacy
To the leader of the band
I am the living legacy
To the leader of the band.
got to rest and somehow unwind yesterday... finally... and now it's back to work! ChE 142, ChE 136, ChE190, ChE 126, ChEckpoint... buwan na lang... grabe!
Friday, February 24, 2006
joycey (at present)
>>Handling: wear PPE and maintain distance. Use fume hood if necessary or use a water bath. Avoid exposure to critical conditions.
tantrums...extremely moody...
Monday, February 20, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
clueless in makati...again!
got back to school at 6pm, so much for hoping to be able to go to SM North for the medals and go home early...
happy tuesday to y'all... don't mind me - just me PMS-ing!

Thursday, February 09, 2006
inspired by someone else's diary aka blog
from cainta to taytay to drop off my sis, then off to school in qc. as usual took a nap in class. (am so not into the subject). lots of stuff... then off to makati....
the makati (mis)adventure: arrived at 2pm, an hour early for my appointment, decided to freshen up a bit in glorietta. g3 carpark -> g4 lounge -> ayala avenue (saw summit center) didn't know where to park went to the back. but lo and behold the streets aren't exactly parallel... ended up parking in one of the parking areas there. was running late for the appointment. hailed a cab. forgot to ask the place where i parked! talked to the driver: TORDESILLAS. the ticket said: BPI parking. forgot if i was able to lock the car. prayed silently... almost 3pm. got to RSC. registered. rode the first available elevator. not the right elevator! got on the right elevator. got out on the wrong floor! yada yada... RSC -> cab back to Tordesillas -> G3 again.met up with pat and she!waaah! are we old? NO!
total expenses for the transpo: 120 for the parking, 90 for the cab! I SHOULD HAVE COMMUTED! I SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT THE CAR IN G3! next time!but i don't wanna go back, feel i didn't do well...
g3 -> back to QC! ->PRoj 6, pick-up dextrose bottles -> UP, Ilang-Ilang Residence Hall -> EEE Building -> home....
Saturday, February 04, 2006
words/phrases with meaning
- ChEckpoint
- robusta, cocoa, mocha
- toxic
- so near yet so far...
- fly away [sadness]
- azeus, toshiba, hp
- hotness
- E!!!!
- ten
- gago bluff
- kiddo
- worse than r-y----
- harshness!
- prince of jaipur
- cocobeach
- "shiiit"
- "PI"
- "bitter", "maganda"
- MP, GM, "JOSE!"
- 20000, 10K, 21Q
- hinahanap ka
- why do i miss you
- burdened with blame, trapped in the past for too long
- biglang nanlamig...
- who's gonna talk to me...
- don't forget about us
- numb
- insensitive
- so sick
- back from the dead
- as usual
- what part of NO, don't you understand?
- b---n who? sorry but i don't know anyone by that name?
- mastering the art of being immune and apathetic
- bigger and bolder
- ChEck us out!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
pretty in pink...until i turned red...
but well, someone just gotta ruin ur day... too proud... oh well... pucha JP, whatever will make him stop? he's worse than riyann pa ata(in cha's case not mine...).... ah ewan... don't wanna be mean...
hp didn't call me back though they did with cha... oh well...
*cute cute* too bad he's taken...oh well, at least it's something to smile about. and look forward to...:D
our prof, finally approved our new topic... chocolate coated/covered coffee beans and mocha spread... hope there'd be no more major objections...
time check: 23 days before ChEckpoint (gotta finalize the plans and start the preparations...), 2++ months before 2nd sem ends... hope i graduate on time.... wish me luck... include me in your prayers...
NANAWAGAN lang: any of you know who these people are:
- ym id: veesix9
- cel #: 09152420128
just curious that's all. thanks:D
Friday, January 27, 2006
trip lng...
- nde dahil sa uulitin lang naman namin ang plant design namin na kung tutuusin e noong nakaraang sem pa namin sinimulan...
- nde dahil sa ang hirap lang naman sakyan nung mood swings nung plant design adviser namin...
- nde naman dahil sobrang stressful ang papalapit na graduation... un ay kung makakagraduate nga ako...
- nde naman dahil sa nawalan na ako ng gana pang habulin pa ang pag-graduate with honors dahil sa reason 1 and 2... nagfi-filing lang pala ako na makakagraduate on time...
- nde dahil sa madami pang kailangan gawin at kakaunti na lang ang nalalabing oras...
- nde dahil sa wala pala talagang kasiguraduhan na i'll graduate on time...
dahil kasi ala lang trip ko lang...
{pro seryoso, nde naman dahil lang sa lahat ng iyan! simple lang, dahil sa lalaki! naman! hindi! although all of them could be reasons or at least part of why i want to get wasted... but maybe i just miss that kind of feeling... of being NOT in control... of being "free of pretensions and/or apprehensions"... maybe i just wanna say/do something but i know is not the "normal me" so at least i have the "i-was-wasted-so-i-don't-know-what-i'm-saying/doing-and-hopefully-i-won't-remember-a-thing-so-don't-remind-me-or-mind-what-i'm-saying-or-doing" excuse. maybe i'm just addicted or i enjoyed the feeling of a different kind of high or sort of freedom alcohol affords me... is it bad?should i be alarmed because i feel this way? the downside however, is when one becomes too wasted or one becomes a spectacle everybody will talk about the following morning. so one should chose who to drink with and their drinking capacities should be comparable to one's own...}
nde q pa nasagot ang tawag ng hp nung isang araw... hirap ng minamalas...
tama na nga angal... nasasayang ang oras...
haaay, buti nalang me naimbentong hotness... at... un lng pla... kakalungkot pala ung iba... ehehe:D pdeng rason pala para uminom ung iba... hehe:D
prang ang sarap tuloy mag-jaipur! waaah! kath, balik ka na! nde ganito na lang pra nde shado sad! bilisan mo jan ha?:D
Saturday, January 14, 2006
extended break...

toxic na! grabe...
cute ni hotness tlga...
may nami-miss aq, ba't kaya?... 10...nde kaw!wag feeling!
hinahanap ka ng puso ko, ewan ko ba kung bakit... hindi mo na aq pinapansin...
nde na kita nakikita...sa tagpuan natin tuwing madaling araw... onga pala may girlfriend ka na...
(dalawang tao yan!ahaha) aus!
Friday, January 06, 2006
now i must go, for I have a plant design to work on. lots of stuff need to be done in just 4 hours. at least now i think we're making some sort of progress instead of being stuck-up for months in a process flow! so frustrating!
later i'll be somewhere, tom i'll be somewhere again with friends... so far my first time to go out of town with friends (so not related to school, org, etc!)... wish for my safety... :D