just anything under the sun depending on my mood. I am particularly moody so a lot of them tend to be emo stuff. I am trying to make it more candid though.... so anything goes! :)
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
peechur peechur!:D
binuhay q multiply account q for that! hehe:D senxa kung tamad mag-email... :D
and sa mga may pix na andun ako, pls do email me a copy! or if not pls do tell me if you have an account that i can access! puhleeeease!:D hehe:D tenchu!:D
Monday, April 24, 2006
senti mode...
to my batchmates, especially the 5th year ALCHEMISTS. really thank you for everything. i know I've mentioned you guys more than once in this blog but you i am just so grateful. i was scared of being a loner (sometimes i still am, though by choice), of not having friends, of not enjoying college. i expected that college will all be academics, i did not expect it to be so colorful... (drama!) really thanks so much. will miss you guys sobra. hope we'd get to bond once in a while pa rin... and walang kalimutan especially yung mga madaling yayaman jan! hehe:D special mention to these people: cha, luh, and lims (my plant design groupmates), kat and bryan (my ChE 135 groupmates), marj and al (ChE 125 groupmates), albert, jake, jp, dani, fem, yani, cecile, feng, cy, riyann, pjo, atan, elle, bods, mark, glei, kawen, etc. :D

College of Engineering Batch 2006, CONGRATULATIONS!
grad ball sa tuesday, kita-kits nalang.:D
congrats by the way to the ChE Reps 06-07 for the oriental (and very successful) Grad dinner last thursday, April 20 held at Kublai's and the ESC 06-07 for the College Recog Rites last saturday, April 22, 2006. :D

ala lang... latest download from limewire...:D
THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY - Natasha Bedingfield
Would you spare me a minute give me a single chance
To look in your eyes let me hold your hand
I want to get close enough to read you, understand you
Open up your heart open up your mind
Nobody needs another stalker in your life
I'm only here to help you learn to love me, to know me
[Chorus] I need a hook so you won't be the one that got away
I need a look that stuns you makes you want to stay
Don't want to speak in case it comes out wrong
Don't want to blink cause in that second you could be gone
I need a twist to help me turn, turn this story around
I need a bridge to cross this dangerous ground
Meet me in the middle like I want you to
I gotta find your heart to shoot my arrow through
Did you see me staring you caught my eye
Don't turn around don't walk away
The night is young can we get together
Got so many questions feelings I can't explain
We're worlds apart don't even know your name
I'm longing to give you my heart
Turn around don't evaporate
Like you never came turn around
Don't be a ghost forever never there to haunt me
Sliding doors they aren't just on a train
We're alone on a platform in the rain
There's a chance and it won't come again
Turn around your whole life has changed [Chorus]
LSS (College Recog Rites) - FOR GOOD
I'm limited: Just look at me - I'm limited
And just look at you - You can do all I couldn't do, Glinda
So now it's up to you
(spoken) For both of us
(sung) Now it's up to you:
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led To those who help us most to grow
If we let them And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you
Like a comet pulled from orbit As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you I have been changed for good
It well may be
That we will never meet again In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend: Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea Like a seed dropped by a skybird In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you: GLINDA Because I knew you:
BOTH I have been changed for good
And just to clear the air I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done you blame me for
But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share
BOTH And none of it seems to matter anymore
Like a comet pulled
Like a ship blown From orbit as it
Off it's mooring Passes a sun, like By a wind off the
A stream that meets Sea, like a seed
A boulder, half-way Dropped by a
Through the wood Bird in the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
I do believe I have been changed for the better?
GLINDA And because I knew you:
ELPHABA Because I knew you:
BOTH Because I knew you: I have been changed for good.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
acadcomm outing: April 4-5, 2006
(though tottie and yhan weren't with us nung outing...)

pahabol: next year ulit!:D thaks ACADCOMM:D
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
finally some update...
God is soooooo good... can't seem to thank Him enough...
i love my family, especially my mom...
~(segway lng)
Thanks to everyone!
5th year ALCHEMISTS! good times!:D ("un"fortunately was among those who hit the sack early last FR. sorry guys, no "free" talk-show :D hehe:D)
HS friends... u know who you are... sorry for the "mood swings" and the hibernation...
hp, yeah after all these years... i still remember for you'll always be some part of hmmm... don't get me wrong i am not holding on... well, i used to but not anymore. (finally!) ahaha:D
acquaintances and everyone who's been a part of my life in one way or another...
but anyway, THIS POST was not intended to be a "THANK YOU POST" so will cut it short...
was scared of what i'm gonna do with my life after school (though i would want to earn an MBA degree perhaps though maybe in a few years time depending on what is necessary... or what field i would want to concentrate)... other than review...felt that review for the board exam on November alone with be such a waste... as if i'm such a bum and a "basura"... but God has plans... and i'm thankful... hope i can manage things though...
shux, i am now an adult! shit! i am no longer entitled to "student fare discounts!" ahaha:D whattalyf!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
pinaka-stressful ever...and i missed blogging
Harlon mode: ON
the most stressful, busiest week i ever had... i think i look like an old maid now.... oh no!
i really shouldn't be blogging right now (again) for there's still a ton of things i have to do and finish today(see so much to do... so little time) but well, the laptop's not cooperating so i'm downloading in the meantime the trial version of AVG... pls let this be something that i can fix... all the files that i need are there...
on a different note, despite the fact that i am not sure with my graduation status, i already signed up for a board exam review. my sked's gonna be every *toot*. though most of my batchmates signed for *toot*... hehe:D joke time! oh well... and later i think i must do the college recog thing... fees, etc...
but... i'm so not sure... Lord, please let him be considerate enough... kamusta naman ang sermon and all... ok lng, matatanggap q lahat all in the name of a 3! pls... i'm sounding desperate na, coz i am... buti pa yung sa ibang class ngarag sila sa plant design pro not to the extent na may threat na hindi maka-grad... at least, i'm sure na that i will pass ChE 126... another 3... nu b un, kung kelan graduating saka nagkanda-3 ang mga grade. but 3 is better than 5 cyemps! hehe:D
shit! i need to find a place that will bind our work in a flash like the shortest time possible... sana meron... in SC, ang rush binding sa tuesday na... kamusta naman! buhay... ba't ba ako nagChem Eng'g in the first place?!!!!! haaay... panay IT naman ang na-apply-an ko! nu b un! un pa, i'm so.... bsta un... missed an interview with RAM-CAR this week and an exam with IBM... oh well... must trust in God and His plans...
saw hotness today... la lang, konting crush na lng... not super kilig na like before... hehe:D
missed blogging... dani, thanks for the quotes.:D matapos lng to, i'm looking forward to seeing MP, GM or Maria Clara this monday? ahaha:D but then again... i might not at all... sad...
ok, will do the comparative study, MSDS now.
Harlon Mode: OFF
Plant design mode: ON (again... haaay... hope last na...)